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Sacred Soleil

30” Sweetgrass Braid

30” Sweetgrass Braid

Regular price $14.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.00 USD
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✦ 30” Sweetgrass Braid 

✦ Botanical Name: Hierochloe odorata

✦ Native to the Americas and Eurasian regions, Sweetgrass is highly sacred amongst Indigenous and ATR practices. Please be mindful and respectful when ordering. 

✦ Uses: Smoke cleansing to purify spaces before spell work and rituals, and to call onto benevolent spirits and guides, aura cleansing, renewal and healing to relationships and painful memories. hang over front door for protection and to welcome blessings into the home.  

✦ Ethically harvested in the Southwest regions of the USA. 

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