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Sacred Soleil



Regular price $4.44 USD
Regular price Sale price $4.44 USD
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✦ Horsetail, dried loose herb - 1 oz

✦ Botanical Name: Equisetum arvense

✦ Astrological Correspondences: Saturn

✦ Uses: snake charming, evoking and honoring Pan, fertility spells, to strengthen and protect the home and love connections/partnerships from unwanted influences and intrusions, promotes loyalty and strengthens commitments, helps activate affirmations and boundary setting, in love spells to rekindle passion among lovers. 

✦ Medicinally, horsetail is used to strengthen the kidneys and urinary system and help mitigate chronic UTIs. Due to its high content of silica, it helps repair bone tissue and boosts collagen. 

✦ All herbs are certified food grade, grown organically and sourced ethically; some of our herbs are also grown locally, depending on the season. 

✦ Always consult with your health practitioner before using herbal products internally, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medication(s).

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