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Sacred Soleil



Regular price $5.55 USD
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✦ Organic Chamomile, dried, loose herb - 1 oz

✦ Botanical Name: Matricaria chamomila

✦ Astrological Correspondences: Moon, Sun

✦ Uses: Abundance, prosperity and money spells, attracting good luck and fortune, promotes energetic grounding, harmony and inner peace.

Derived from the Greek word chamomaela, meaning "ground apple," and known as manzanilla in Spanish, meaning "little apple," this well-loved herb has been regarded as sacred across many cultures. The ancient Egyptians would burn chamomile as an offering to the Egyptian Sun god, Ra. 

Chamomile is traditionally used in tinctures, teas, and syrups to treat a broad spectrum of ailments such as: general inflammation, indigestion, anxiety, insomnia, stress, depression, skin burns & irritation, and even pink eye, as it contains cooling & antiseptic properties. 

✦ All herbs are certified food grade, grown organically and sourced ethically; some of our herbs are also grown locally, depending on the season. 

✦ Always consult with your health practitioner before using herbal products internally, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medication(s).

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